
  • RayCasting

A RayCast is an invisible Ray that detects colliders

Origin of a Ray is a point in the space

Origin is stored as a vector 3 with x, y, and z position.

Second Vector 3 to store direction.

You can use Ray Variable as it stores 2 vector 3’s

RayCastHit hitInfo stores info on colliders hit

you can also add floats like distance (to define length of the ray) and Layer mask for objects that you want the ray to ignore (if its put on a specific layer)

If statement for collision with environment tag


  • Fixed Joints

    Works like parenting

Can be linked to a point in the world or a RigidBody

Break Force and Break Torque – Amount of force needed to break the joint.

  • Spring joints

    GameObject is trying to reach a target position

Target position = position its set to in the scene view

Any RigidBodies attached will try to pull it from this position on an invisible spring attached to an anchor point

Anchor is the pivot point – shown as orange dot/box

Spring parameter = how strong the spring is

Higher value = tighter/stronger spring

Damper = how much the joint will slow down in motion

Higher the damper value = how much less the spring will overshoot

Min/Max distance is a dead zone

Spring also has break force and break torque

  • Hinge Joints

Ideal for Doors

Axis – hinge the object rotates around

Set anchor for its axis – still represented in orange

You can use spring settings under “Use Spring”

Motors apply force constantly, like a revolving door

Target velocity – speed its trying to rotate

Force – how easily the speed can be changed by collision

Free spin checkbox – will not decelerate

Limits contain your pivot

Min and Max are limits to the angles

Min/max bounce are how much it will bounce off of its limits

Also has Break Force and Torque

  • My use of joints in Unity

Joints Vid-1afb631

Project Management and Bug Reporting Software

Trello: https://trello.com

Pro: Customizable board, organized tasks.

Con: Buttons and adding things are a bit confusing.

Taiga: https://taiga.io/

Pro: Buttons are obvious and easy.

Con: A bit unorganized, only 2 columns compared to Trello’s 4.

Asana: https://asana.com

Pro: Very professional and organized.

Con: Website errors are common.

The site I will be using is Taiga, as it seems the most simple and straight-forward of the bunch, which suits my needs. I don’t need a complicated program for a school project.


Building Scripting Skills

GetKeyDown(KeyCode.[Key on keyboard]) is how you make keys operate function in code with an if statement.

Drag and drop C# scripts to add to object.

“Add component” can create and add a C# script at the same time.

int = integer

int myInt = 5; means I want the integer 5.

Maintains value until assigned a new one.

Void doesn’t return values.

parameterName can put in parameters to what integer can appear.

Ret = return a number

Debug.log is console window

Syntax: structure of language

. Separates things that are sub of each other, think of country.city

; terminates, so use at end except for }

Indent to organize

//this is a normal one line comment

/* this is a

*two line comment

Java uses less lines, c# more specific

Default is different, c# is private, java is public

If chooses one or another depending on certain things that can happen

Else is what happens if it is false

  • Loops
    • Link: loops (5:33)
    • Notes:

While happens until parameter is false

Do while is at end while while in at start, so do while always happens once.

Do while has semicolon at end

for does certain loops for certain parameters in increments

For each loops through items of an array until there are no more items

Classes are where functions happen

Organize different functions into different classes for organization

Constructor gives default values for variables and it’s end syntax is ()

() is for parameters

Parameters are for new objects

Spinning Cube and Simple Clock

Spinning Cube Tutorial:

Clock Tutorial:


My Explanation Video:


Scripting Resources:

Manual: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/GameObjects.html

This Gives an in depth explanation of GameObjects and how they work inside Unity.

Scripting: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/GameObject.html

This showcases a lot of different functions for scripting and each link explains what each function does.

What I Learned:

I learned how to code different objects into being able to rotate at different speeds and directions, as well as have them move to the actual time as shown with the clock.

Consider This Image


Steve was not a smart boy. He didn’t know if he could feed his pet goldfish fruit, of it were allergic to fruit. Or was the fruit allergic to the fish? He just wanted to make sure he was keeping his little fish friend healthy.

He decided his final option was to take his fish, Michael Bubble, to the vet. The only problem was the glue industry had crashed, meaning no glue could be found anywhere anymore. most stores tried scotch tape, but this was not a proper substitute, as fliers everywhere flew through the streets. He decided to hold the fishbowl out in front of him, just in case he got hit or something, I dunno, Steve is dumb. But luck was not on Steve’s side, as a newspaper flew right into his face, resulting in him dropping the bowl, leaving glass and water everywhere.

Steve was devastated. His only friend was drowning in the air. He picked the fish up and sprinted to the vet. Without thinking, he burst through the vet doors and straight past the waiting room, exclaiming hat t was an emergency. He ran to the nearest doctor and asked for immediate help. The doctor took one look at Steve and asked if he was on drugs.

“Maybe…” Steve said. “Why?”

“Because this is plastic.” The doctor said.

Steve gasped, how could this doctor insult his fishy friend like this. Steve slapped the doctor and was tackled by security immediately. He struggled against the security guards to his fish on the ground, where the doctor had dropped it after being slapped. His drug induced strength made him able to wriggle free and grab the fish, but there was trouble. The Swat team had arrived.

He made a run for it out the window, and crashed through. He ran about five blocks before being tasered. The police dragged him into their vehicle and sped off towards the jail where Steve will be held until trial. Steve is now in jail for 15 years for Assault and Possession of Heroin. Steve and many others are the reason why the opioid crisis needs to be stopped.



Every Story is the Same

  • You – Protagonist is comfortable
  • Need – Protagonist needs something
  • Go – Protagonist adventures into a new threshold
  • Search – Protagonist adapts to new environment
  • Find – Goal is acquired or they know how to acquire it
  • Take – A sacrifice is made in order to achieve goal
  • Return – Protagonist starts to return back
  • Change – They are now different from when they started

Area-Specific Sounds

(Screen Shot of the zone where new sounds play [red rectangle], and the sound mixers)

In unity, I learned how to play sounds in certain areas by writing a piece of code that activates a sound mixer when you step inside a certain area. This could be potentially used for zone music, or even cutscenes. I did have a problem with the code, because it wouldn’t let me manually add components into the game manager section, but now I have it mostly working, I just need to figure out how to establish that the red rectangle is the zone.

Project Charter Form

Project Name Scale
Project Description A simple platformer, where a character can shrink and grow objects to help them get up a mountain.
Project Sponsor INFO GOES HERE…
Project Team Member(s) INFO GOES HERE…
Project Objectives I want to learn more about the game design prosecc by developing this game, and maybe even fully completing it.
Project Milestones Have all sprites done,

All levels designed,

Have an organized process going,

Have organized code,

Have five or six songs for the game done.

Assumptions I would assume that since this is my first game that we will run into many problems, and may not finish.
Project Completion Date INFO GOES HERE…