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Steve was not a smart boy. He didn’t know if he could feed his pet goldfish fruit, of it were allergic to fruit. Or was the fruit allergic to the fish? He just wanted to make sure he was keeping his little fish friend healthy.

He decided his final option was to take his fish, Michael Bubble, to the vet. The only problem was the glue industry had crashed, meaning no glue could be found anywhere anymore. most stores tried scotch tape, but this was not a proper substitute, as fliers everywhere flew through the streets. He decided to hold the fishbowl out in front of him, just in case he got hit or something, I dunno, Steve is dumb. But luck was not on Steve’s side, as a newspaper flew right into his face, resulting in him dropping the bowl, leaving glass and water everywhere.

Steve was devastated. His only friend was drowning in the air. He picked the fish up and sprinted to the vet. Without thinking, he burst through the vet doors and straight past the waiting room, exclaiming hat t was an emergency. He ran to the nearest doctor and asked for immediate help. The doctor took one look at Steve and asked if he was on drugs.

“Maybe…” Steve said. “Why?”

“Because this is plastic.” The doctor said.

Steve gasped, how could this doctor insult his fishy friend like this. Steve slapped the doctor and was tackled by security immediately. He struggled against the security guards to his fish on the ground, where the doctor had dropped it after being slapped. His drug induced strength made him able to wriggle free and grab the fish, but there was trouble. The Swat team had arrived.

He made a run for it out the window, and crashed through. He ran about five blocks before being tasered. The police dragged him into their vehicle and sped off towards the jail where Steve will be held until trial. Steve is now in jail for 15 years for Assault and Possession of Heroin. Steve and many others are the reason why the opioid crisis needs to be stopped.



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